Waggy Tails Rescue Logo Registered Charity No: 1114957

Jake Male Jack Russell

Hello I am Jake. I am a 10 year old Jack Russell.

I came to Waggy Tails from a difficult background where my owner wasn’t well so I didn’t go out very much. I am now not so keen on going for walks which they say might be down to lack of confidence and hopefully I will improve. I do love to sniff so I think they could have a point.

Although I used to live with another dog, I am not sure whether I would like to again – an older quiet dog could be interesting. Perhaps we could meet first and see how it goes?

When I first arrived, I was quite timid initially but now have gained confidence and I love to play ball. I am also super cuddly. I love food which is great for training and getting to know new people. I know how to sit, wait, and my recall is rather good
