Little Lions Farm Cottage – Holiday lets – see News page

Waggy Tails Rescue Logo Registered Charity No: 1114957


Patch was a beautiful collie cross who came to us as a pup, because her owners thought she was disobedient and unruly. She turned out to have a hearing problem and after being fostered with other dogs she began to calm down. Unfortunately she was not adopted and after a year we were worried about her future. We decided to feature her as our Valentine in a local magazine. There she sat in a heart of roses looking appealing. Within a few days she had an email from Barney asking if he could be her Valentine. They were like two peas in a pod! Meetings followed and it was love at first sight. Patch now has a lovely new home and the company of a hearing dog who looks after her.


Guinness came to us in a very sorry state. His owner was unwell and unable to care for him any longer. His coat was matted and in very poor condition and had to be stripped to give it time to recover. He soon started to melt everyone’s hearts, being such a gentle giant. For weeks no one seemed interested in him, but there is someone out there for every dog. Guinness certainly fell on his paws. He has a loving, new home now with another dog and is happy and playful despite being eight years old. Earlier this year he had a stroke and for a while it was touch and go. He has now recovered and came to see us at the Dog Show in June. It was great to see him looking so fit and well.


Dodger came to Waggy Tails through the local police. His owner wanted him destroyed after he attacked someone, but the police saw the good in him and asked if we would take him in. His foster Mum called him Dodger the Lodger and fell in love with him, seeing how gentle he was. He now has a lovely new home and is getting an education!


Taffi came to Waggy Tails when he was just over a year old. He was rehomed three times but his new owners could not cope with him. He had a number of issues and although he was a very loving dog, who was excellent in the home, he turned into another dog as soon as he set foot outside the door. He could not tolerate joggers and bicycles, which made exercise a nightmare in an urban environment. Our volunteers worked very hard with him and every Open Day he showed off the best side of his nature but still no home was found for him. Collies need very special owners who appreciate that they are a working breed and need lots of mental stimulation as well as exercise. His new owners already had a rescue collie and knew what they were to expect when they took him on. Sadly his lovely companion Chips died earlier this year but Taffi still enjoys long walks and trips to the beach. He is still a work in progress and although he has come a long way with his behaviour, he still needs more time and patience.


Reggie, now renamed Chops, came to us as a stray. He is a Dogue de Bordeaux, the first one many of us had met. It is always difficult to find homes for these large dogs as they are expensive to feed and insure. Their size is very off-putting to lots of people, but generally they are lovely natured dogs, amazingly gentle for their size and very biddable.
When Christine came to see him, it was love at first sight! He went off to live with her and her two other dogs. Now he has lots of lovely human company, and great fun with the canine members of his new family.


Jack was seven months old when he came to Waggy Tails. He had not had much in the way of training and like all Springer Spaniels approached everything at breakneck speed.

He soon found a new home and his Mum found him quite a challenge. He was so full of life that he wanted to be everywhere and do everything, including towing his Mum around!

Jack was taken to training classes and his basics were soon reinforced and he began to calm down. He is now doing obedience classes and possibly going to start agility. Spaniels are working dogs and need to be kept active.

Ebony – the black Labrador Female Labrador

Ebony was one of five Labrador pups handed in to Waggy Tails when they were six weeks old. She spent some time with her Mum and siblings before being fostered to start her training and socialisation. She settled well into her foster home with two house mates and soon learnt how to win them over. After four weeks she was adopted by a lovely young couple in Colehill who already had a young black lab called Nibbler. Nibbler is a very gentle lab and soon found that his new sister had the upper hand. She takes his toys and buries them in the garden and bosses him around but he wouldn’t be without her now. He used to be demanding but now he has Ebony to keep him occupied. They are never apart and do everything together. Ebony was the 3000 dog to be rehomed by Waggy Tails since the charity was started in 1994.

Bella the Puggle

We fell in love with Bella the second we saw her profile via Facebook and we were fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to offer Bella her forever home. We were also really excited giving our dog, Elvis, a best friend for life.

Waggy tails were fantastic in facilitating a smooth transition from her foster family to us and we were very well informed about the care and wellbeing we would need to give to Bella.

The only way I could describe Bella’s introduction to her new home was “busy”. She was busy making friends with Elvis, busy discovering the house and doing what all puppies love to do.

4 months on and Bella is THE most gorgeous, fun, mischievous, loving, gentle, outgoing and friendly soul we’ve ever met and we could never imagine our lives without her. She is our “Bella Bean bag” and we will be eternally grateful to Waggy Tails Rescue for allowing us to give Bella her forever home.

Jen, Scott, Isabel and Lauren

Zach and his new buddy

‘Handsome Zach is doing amazing… Very cheeky… Turns out he’s 50/50 saluki/greyhound!! We love him very much’

Betty the Bassett

Glen Campbell said ‘ 1 year ago today Bella joined our family. Moody, affectionate and always ravenous – we love her dearly. Thank you Waggy Tails’

Teddy the JRT

‘Here is gorgeous Teddy who I adopted in 2013, he is my best friend and is always by my side, very loyal’ Anna


Kath Dipple said ‘ Charlie the shar pei x staffy cross…..we adopted him from Waggy Tails just under 5 years ago….this is Charlie at a dog show last month, June 24th 2017


‘Renee, is a deaf spaniel, I have had her about 5 yrs now. She is a smashing dog’ Shelley Hall

Bella the Chihuahua

Bella was a tiny pup when she came to us. She had not had much input so had lots to learn. In her Foster home with two big dogs she learnt how to behave and started to calm down. She was soon adopted by Anna and Dominik, a polish couple who fell in love with her. She is enjoying life, attending puppy classes and meeting lots of new friends. She regularly goes to the beach and is an avid beachcomber, bring lots of treasure to her Mum and Dad. Bella now has a Pet Passport and has been to Poland twice with Anna and Dominic. Her last visit in December was very cold, with thick snow to contend with, but being the determined little dog that she is, she coped very well.


Here’s Ronnie, our much loved pup who came to live with us from WTR over 14 years ago. We’ve had so much fun and happiness growing older together.

Thank you, Ken & Wendy Balfour


Thank you Waggy Tails for our lovely Diego. Can’t imagine life without him, such a joy!
Marianne & Ken

‘Hugo The Bichon Frise’

Here is our wonderful Hugo who came to us in 2015. When he first arrived he was very anxious as he had been abandoned twice before. With time and lots of reassurance we gradually settled into a routine and now Hugo could not be more content. He is very welcoming to any visitors, has a mischievous streak and is a much loved companion and member of our family.
The Hare family.

Cassie the Lurcher

I thought you’d like to know how Carla (now named Cassie) is getting on. It’s safe to say she’s fitted in beautifully and does very well at work with me, and adores a big long walk chasing the ball then playing with her older smaller sister Lacey the dachshund.

Ben and Ginger

Just a quick photo today of Ben and Ginger enjoying the sun today. We will have had Ginger 4 years this September and Ben 2 years on the 4th of April. They are a fantastic part of our family and very much loved. Also pleased to say Ben’s legs are also doing much better after his laser treatment, ?? also our Holly in the Middle who loves them both to bits


Here is my little mud monster (every day is a new opportunity to find water, mud or even better muddy water), avid stick collector (size not important!), beach cleaner and simply cute boy.
The floor is usually covered in toys, my windows have nose prints, my bed and sofa are no longer my own, the ice cream in the freezer has been replaced by dog food, in every pocket seems to be a poo bag, and don’t even think about the inside of my car but he’s worth it ?

Nuala our fox red labrador Male

Nuala came to Waggy Tails five years ago. At fourteen months she was somewhat unruly having had very little input in her previous two homes. She soon settled into her new home and made friends with her house mate, Willow the Collie. Nuala turned out to be very receptive to training and a quick learner. She now does agility and attends gundog classes for the discipline and she helped her Dad win the best handler shield. She is still quite strong willed at times but we wouldn’t be without her. We foster dogs and she is very gentle with them and so tolerant of the youngsters who jump all over her and push her out of her bed. She is really laid back and knows how to relax. All she wants in life is to be with you.

When we lost Willow at nearly 16 years old, in January 2019, Nuala was very sad and lost on her own. At the end of February another fox red Labrador called Fletcher came into Waggy Tails.  He was just a year old and we decided to foster him.  Fostering lasted less than a week, as he and Nuala got on so well.  Her sparkle came back and we now have two Labradors who are so well matched and adorev each other.

Gemma Female Spaniel

Mike writes – here is a picture of Gemma who we adopted from you in 2010.  She is still a very happy, bouncy dog and as you can see she is happy to guard her bone after a long walk.

Hercules Male Crossbreed

‘Well this weekend it’s a year since we adopted Hercules from you. Can’t lie its been hard at times and he has left us pulling our hair out, but in the end its been well worth it we love him to bits and he loves us. He still has his moments but not so often, we just remind him of his boundaries and make him feel so wanted that he forgets about being naughty. He has become a very loving dog although still not very obedient but that’s him and most of the time he makes us laugh so would like to thank you all at Waggy Tails for having him and making us happy too. Keep up the good work xxx   Kisses from Hercules too xxxxxxx’  Jayne


Toby Male Jack Russell

We first met Toby, a Jack Russell at Waggy Tails over 3 years ago after attending the introductory session at West Parley. He chose us. Correction, he chose my partner Paul. It was love at first sight. However, It was touch and go for a while as we nearly didn’t get Toby. Understandably,  Waggy Tails hoped to match Toby with owners who had previous Jack Russell experience.  We had none but like most wannabe mums and dads, we had oodles of unconditional love and patience to give.  We all connected even more on the second visit and we saw Toby as the right fit for us and our lifestyle.  Needless to say, We were elated when Waggy Tails approved the union.
I won’t lie, the initial months were difficult.  Toby didn’t get a good start in life and so naturally he had a few confidence issues to resolve but through self-education, talking to other Jack Russell owners  and building the trust with Toby, we are all in a very much better place nowadays but it is still very much a work-in-progress.
Toby is a daddy’s boy and the bond between them is unbreakable. They read each other very well and frankly I’m in awe of their relationship.
its been a real education for all three of us, he is teaching us patience, assertiveness and empathy and we are teaching him that not all of the chairs in our house are his and that horses are not big dogs.
Toby is highly intelligent, very entertaining and constantly puts smiles on our faces.He loves cuddles, digging up the New Forest and is a very competent climber of fallen trees.  He also has an uncanny knack of wrapping us around his little paws! We believe he is loving life right now.
Toby is a very welcome and much loved addition to our home. He is simply one in a million and undoubtedly the best decision we ever made when we chose to share our lives with him. Home is simply a brighter place where Toby is.
We just wanted to say a huge “Thank You” to Waggy Tails who do such a sterling job in finding forever homes for rescued pets and for seeing the potential in us to be suitable guardians for Toby.
Jacqueline, Paul and Toby

Alfie Male Collie x

Hello to all my friends at Waggy Tails

It’s Alfie here – remember me?

Well, I’ve settled in at my forever home so quickly and already I’ve had lots of wonderful adventures.  My new family keep telling me that I’m a good boy and are very kind.  I’ve learned really quickly to go to bed at night when they tell me to, and I don’t bark at night, so I know they will get some sleep too.  Also, when it’s their dinner time I sit quietly on my bed nearby so they can eat in peace – they really seem to appreciate it when I do that, but they do eat very slowly whereas I can finish my dinner in a couple of minutes.

My new family take me out every morning for a long walk with my new best friend Harvey, and the other day when they weren’t looking, I stole his big dog biscuit.  That wasn’t very kind of me, so I won’t do it again.  Harvey didn’t seem to mind though.  I’ve made lots of doggy friends and they were all so eager to meet me.  Their humans were too and some of them gave me treats.  I go out again in the afternoon, and if I’m lucky I get to paddle in the River Mude, which is just down the lane from my new home.

I’ve been out in the car, which I like quite a lot now, although I was a bit nervous at first.  I’ve been to the toy store which my family call a pet shop.  They very kindly bought me some new blankets, some toys and most important of all some food.  I have my own special cupboard for all my bits and pieces, including a huge pile of lovely towels to dry me off when I come home from a walk all wet and muddy.  My new family do seem to use their washing machine a lot though.

I’ve been to meet my new Vet who gave me a clean bill of health.  She also gave me an injection which she called a booster – hope that doesn’t happen too often!  All the staff at the Vets were lovely and came out from behind the desk to say hello and give me a treat.

My next big adventure is I’m going to start a 6-week training course at The Friendly Dog Club at Barton on Sea – the name sounds alright so I’m sure it will be fine.  I would like to run around off my lead, so my new family are going to arrange for me to go to a secure field near to a place called Brockenhurst wherever that is.  Once I’ve mastered the idea of coming back when I’m called then they tell me I can run around off my lead at the field near my new home.  So, I had better concentrate at the training course and make sure I don’t mess up.

My family tell me that I’m quite clever really as I know so many words – I know what to do when they tell me words such as sit, down, leave, bed, paw, walk, stay, and wait.  I must admit that sometimes I still pull on the lead, particularly when I see a doggy friend that I want to go and have a chat with.  I know I shouldn’t, but I just forget sometimes because I’m so excited and happy.

All in all, I like this forever home and on balance I think I’ll stay!

With a big woof and a paw to you all.


Robbie & Glennie Male Lurchers

They are the most superb boys.
From the very first night Robbie crawled into the crook of my arm, in bed, did a very satisfied loud ‘yawn’ and snuggled with his nose in the crook of my neck, breathing soft warm air into me. That has continued nightly. So precious! Whereas Glenny is the most empathic creature..or even human for that matter, that I’ve ever met.
He knows and feels so deeply. He must have been a therapist in his last life..rushes to ‘heal’ anyone who needs it.
When you gave me these two boys  you gave me the greatest of gifts. I’ll always be so grateful. Its incredible how you can change peoples’ lives like this.

Alfie & Vinnie Male

 Alfie & Vinnie are two former Waggy Tails boys living their dream.  On the left is Alfie, who was adopted in February 2022, and on the right is Vinnie who   appears as a puppy at the top of the dog page.  They are very much best buddies.

They meet up almost once a week early in the morning at Steamer Point, next to the Nature Reserve near Highcliffe Castle and head down to the beach for lots of ball fetching and throwing and splashing about in the sea, whatever the weather or the temperature.  It’s so wonderful to see them so happy together, and to see how pleased they are to see each other – lots of squeaking and play boxing as they greet each other.