Waggy Tails Rescue Logo Registered Charity No: 1114957

Eddie Male Labrador

This wonderful and friendly Black Labrador came to us aged 11.

A family dog with a wonderful nature but unfortunately with a few ailments which required attention.  Eddie suffered from some skin conditions and unfortunately has arthritis.  When he arrived he had very little muscle mass around his back legs and thighs.  With the aid of regular medication, these problems are now under control and with regular exercise he has built himself up and increased his stamina.

Eddie has been fostered by a family with another ex-Waggy Tails Rescue Black Labrador, named Connie.  Eddie has settled in extremely well although sadly lost his companion, Connie, last year.  When he is not demanding tummy rubs or playing with his toys, he is snoozing or sun bathing in the garden when the weather is good.  Whilst on his walks, Eddie loves to interact with other dogs and people and is very vocal (usually for a treat!).  He is very good with approachable dogs and their owners.  Without doubt, dinner time is Eddie’s favourite.  When the word “dinner” is mentioned we are all treated to the “Eddie shuffle” which is his little dance of excitement.

A friendly, affectionate and happy boy.  Eddie is now enjoying the retirement he deserves.
