Waggy Tails Rescue Logo Registered Charity No: 1114957

Bella the Puggle

We fell in love with Bella the second we saw her profile via Facebook and we were fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to offer Bella her forever home. We were also really excited giving our dog, Elvis, a best friend for life.

Waggy tails were fantastic in facilitating a smooth transition from her foster family to us and we were very well informed about the care and wellbeing we would need to give to Bella.

The only way I could describe Bella’s introduction to her new home was “busy”. She was busy making friends with Elvis, busy discovering the house and doing what all puppies love to do.

4 months on and Bella is THE most gorgeous, fun, mischievous, loving, gentle, outgoing and friendly soul we’ve ever met and we could never imagine our lives without her. She is our “Bella Bean bag” and we will be eternally grateful to Waggy Tails Rescue for allowing us to give Bella her forever home.

Jen, Scott, Isabel and Lauren…read more

Lily Female Yorkshire Terrier

This miniature Yorkshire Terrier came into us aged
2 ½ because she was out of control: biting people and fighting with the other dog in the house. Unfortunately this behaviour can result from not being allowed to ‘be a dog’. She was carried everywhere, not taught to socialise, treated like a human baby, slept in the human’s bed. Poor Lily was desperately unhappy, trembling and nervy.
When she was brought in to the office we were told that she would bite whoever tried to take her. We whisked her off into another room and within minutes she had stopped shaking. She went to stay with our most experienced foster family – who have other dogs – and her behaviour quickly improved.
Lily had a lot to learn and it wasn’t always easy trying to make up for 2 ½ years of missed doggy education but she managed it. She is now a happy, affectionate and loyal dog who knows her own place in the household.…read more

Ebony – the black Labrador Female Labrador

Ebony was one of five Labrador pups handed in to Waggy Tails when they were six weeks old. She spent some time with her Mum and siblings before being fostered to start her training and socialisation. She settled well into her foster home with two house mates and soon learnt how to win them over. After four weeks she was adopted by a lovely young couple in Colehill who already had a young black lab called Nibbler. Nibbler is a very gentle lab and soon found that his new sister had the upper hand. She takes his toys and buries them in the garden and bosses him around but he wouldn’t be without her now. He used to be demanding but now he has Ebony to keep him occupied. They are never apart and do everything together. Ebony was the 3000 dog to be rehomed by Waggy Tails since the charity was started in 1994.…read more


Jack was seven months old when he came to Waggy Tails. He had not had much in the way of training and like all Springer Spaniels approached everything at breakneck speed.

He soon found a new home and his Mum found him quite a challenge. He was so full of life that he wanted to be everywhere and do everything, including towing his Mum around!

Jack was taken to training classes and his basics were soon reinforced and he began to calm down. He is now doing obedience classes and possibly going to start agility. Spaniels are working dogs and need to be kept active.…read more


Reggie, now renamed Chops, came to us as a stray. He is a Dogue de Bordeaux, the first one many of us had met. It is always difficult to find homes for these large dogs as they are expensive to feed and insure. Their size is very off-putting to lots of people, but generally they are lovely natured dogs, amazingly gentle for their size and very biddable.
When Christine came to see him, it was love at first sight! He went off to live with her and her two other dogs. Now he has lots of lovely human company, and great fun with the canine members of his new family.…read more


Taffi came to Waggy Tails when he was just over a year old. He was rehomed three times but his new owners could not cope with him. He had a number of issues and although he was a very loving dog, who was excellent in the home, he turned into another dog as soon as he set foot outside the door. He could not tolerate joggers and bicycles, which made exercise a nightmare in an urban environment. Our volunteers worked very hard with him and every Open Day he showed off the best side of his nature but still no home was found for him. Collies need very special owners who appreciate that they are a working breed and need lots of mental stimulation as well as exercise. His new owners already had a rescue collie and knew what they were to expect when they took him on. Sadly his lovely companion Chips died earlier this year but Taffi still enjoys long walks and trips to the beach. He is still a work in progress and although he has come a long way with his behaviour, he still needs more time and patience.…read more


Dodger came to Waggy Tails through the local police. His owner wanted him destroyed after he attacked someone, but the police saw the good in him and asked if we would take him in. His foster Mum called him Dodger the Lodger and fell in love with him, seeing how gentle he was. He now has a lovely new home and is getting an education!…read more


Patch was a beautiful collie cross who came to us as a pup, because her owners thought she was disobedient and unruly. She turned out to have a hearing problem and after being fostered with other dogs she began to calm down. Unfortunately she was not adopted and after a year we were worried about her future. We decided to feature her as our Valentine in a local magazine. There she sat in a heart of roses looking appealing. Within a few days she had an email from Barney asking if he could be her Valentine. They were like two peas in a pod! Meetings followed and it was love at first sight. Patch now has a lovely new home and the company of a hearing dog who looks after her.…read more


Guinness came to us in a very sorry state. His owner was unwell and unable to care for him any longer. His coat was matted and in very poor condition and had to be stripped to give it time to recover. He soon started to melt everyone’s hearts, being such a gentle giant. For weeks no one seemed interested in him, but there is someone out there for every dog. Guinness certainly fell on his paws. He has a loving, new home now with another dog and is happy and playful despite being eight years old. Earlier this year he had a stroke and for a while it was touch and go. He has now recovered and came to see us at the Dog Show in June. It was great to see him looking so fit and well.…read more