Buddy Male Lurcher
Buddy came to us in August 2021, less than a year old, he is now 4 years old.
Buddy was very frightened when he first arrived at the Sanctuary and this was his 4th home. He had had no socialisation at all. We believe he may have suffered some abuse; he was very hand shy and would not accept any affection. He has been one of the most scared dogs we have taken in. He has a noticeable squint and we do not know whether this is a result of trauma or birth. It does mean he tends to look at things in a slightly strange way and can react to sudden movement as he may not see what’s coming. Finding Buddy a home is an ongoing process and we hope one day that he will leave us for his forever home. This will take a special person who understands the breed and his history.
Over the last 3 years, this boy has come on leaps and bounds (sometimes literally). He is one of the most loving, fun, playful dogs. He has made walking friends with several of our bigger dogs and enjoys their company outside. He is ruled by his stomach and loves treats, cuddles, playing ball on the field and chasing birds. We sometimes need to watch from a distance as he has the best zoomies ever seen! One of his favourite times, is with Emma on a Saturday night watching Strictly on tv. He meets new people and is no longer terrified by anything slightly “different”. A wonderful turn around for him. We hope for the best and a home but in the meantime, he is a very loved semi-permanent resident!…read more