Waggy Tails Rescue Logo Registered Charity No: 1114957

Freddie Male Border Terrier

Freddie is a 2 year old Border Terrier. He is a loving, fun, boy. He is good on the lead and enjoys his walks, food and treats.

Freddie fine out with other dogs but must be the only pet in the home. Older children only.…read more

Buddy Male Lurcher

Buddy came to us in August 2021, less than a year old.

Buddy was very frightened when he first arrived at the Sanctuary and this was his 4th home.  He had had no socialisation at all. We believe he may have suffered some abuse; he was very hand shy and would not accept any affection.  He has been one of the most scared dogs we have taken in. He has a noticeable squint and we do not know whether this is a result of trauma or birth. It does mean he tends to look at things in a slightly strange way and can react to sudden movement as he may not see what’s coming.  Finding Buddy a home is an ongoing process and we hope one day that he will leave us for his forever home. This will take a special person who understands the breed and his history.

Over the last 2 and half years, this boy has come on leaps and bounds (sometimes literally). He is one of the most loving, fun, playful dogs.  He has made walking friends with several of our bigger dogs and enjoys their company outside. He is ruled by his stomach and loves treats, cuddles, playing ball on the field and chasing birds. We sometimes need to watch from a distance as he has the best zoomies ever seen! One of his favourite times, is with Emma on a Saturday night watching Strictly on tv. He meets new people and is no longer terrified by anything slightly “different”.  A wonderful turn around for him.  We hope for the best and a home but in the meantime, he is a very loved semi-permanent resident!…read more

Rico Male Crossbreed

Rico is a 2½ year old crossbreed.  He missed out on input in the formative months of his life so had lots to catch up on.

He is a sociable boy who is very playful with all shapes and sizes of dogs but just needs to learn some more manners as he can be boisterous in his play.
He is looking for someone strong as he is still learning not to pull on the lead.  He has a strong prey drive when out walking and sees small furry wildlife.
He is highly intelligent and is looking for a home that will carry on with his training and give him mental and physical stimulation.

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Robbie & Glennie Male Lurchers

They are the most superb boys.
From the very first night Robbie crawled into the crook of my arm, in bed, did a very satisfied loud ‘yawn’ and snuggled with his nose in the crook of my neck, breathing soft warm air into me. That has continued nightly. So precious! Whereas Glenny is the most empathic creature..or even human for that matter, that I’ve ever met.
He knows and feels so deeply. He must have been a therapist in his last life..rushes to ‘heal’ anyone who needs it.
When you gave me these two boys  you gave me the greatest of gifts. I’ll always be so grateful. Its incredible how you can change peoples’ lives like this.

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Eddie Male Labrador

This wonderful and friendly Black Labrador came to us aged 11.

A family dog with a wonderful nature but unfortunately with a few ailments which required attention.  Eddie suffered from some skin conditions and unfortunately has arthritis.  When he arrived he had very little muscle mass around his back legs and thighs.  With the aid of regular medication, these problems are now under control and with regular exercise he has built himself up and increased his stamina.

Eddie has been fostered by a family with another ex-Waggy Tails Rescue Black Labrador, named Connie.  Eddie has settled in extremely well although sadly lost his companion, Connie, last year.  When he is not demanding tummy rubs or playing with his toys, he is snoozing or sun bathing in the garden when the weather is good.  Whilst on his walks, Eddie loves to interact with other dogs and people and is very vocal (usually for a treat!).  He is very good with approachable dogs and their owners.  Without doubt, dinner time is Eddie’s favourite.  When the word “dinner” is mentioned we are all treated to the “Eddie shuffle” which is his little dance of excitement.

A friendly, affectionate and happy boy.  Eddie is now enjoying the retirement he deserves.

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Alfie Male Collie x

Hello to all my friends at Waggy Tails

It’s Alfie here – remember me?

Well, I’ve settled in at my forever home so quickly and already I’ve had lots of wonderful adventures.  My new family keep telling me that I’m a good boy and are very kind.  I’ve learned really quickly to go to bed at night when they tell me to, and I don’t bark at night, so I know they will get some sleep too.  Also, when it’s their dinner time I sit quietly on my bed nearby so they can eat in peace – they really seem to appreciate it when I do that, but they do eat very slowly whereas I can finish my dinner in a couple of minutes.

My new family take me out every morning for a long walk with my new best friend Harvey, and the other day when they weren’t looking, I stole his big dog biscuit.  That wasn’t very kind of me, so I won’t do it again.  Harvey didn’t seem to mind though.  I’ve made lots of doggy friends and they were all so eager to meet me.  Their humans were too and some of them gave me treats.  I go out again in the afternoon, and if I’m lucky I get to paddle in the River Mude, which is just down the lane from my new home.

I’ve been out in the car, which I like quite a lot now, although I was a bit nervous at first.  I’ve been to the toy store which my family call a pet shop.  They very kindly bought me some new blankets, some toys and most important of all some food.  I have my own special cupboard for all my bits and pieces, including a huge pile of lovely towels to dry me off when I come home from a walk all wet and muddy.  My new family do seem to use their washing machine a lot though.

I’ve been to meet my new Vet who gave me a clean bill of health.  She also gave me an injection which she called a booster – hope that doesn’t happen too often!  All the staff at the Vets were lovely and came out from behind the desk to say hello and give me a treat.

My next big adventure is I’m going to start a 6-week training course at The Friendly Dog Club at Barton on Sea – the name sounds alright so I’m sure it will be fine.  I would like to run around off my lead, so my new family are going to arrange for me to go to a secure field near to a place called Brockenhurst wherever that is.  Once I’ve mastered the idea of coming back when I’m called then they tell me I can run around off my lead at the field near my new home.  So, I had better concentrate at the training course and make sure I don’t mess up.

My family tell me that I’m quite clever really as I know so many words – I know what to do when they tell me words such as sit, down, leave, bed, paw, walk, stay, and wait.  I must admit that sometimes I still pull on the lead, particularly when I see a doggy friend that I want to go and have a chat with.  I know I shouldn’t, but I just forget sometimes because I’m so excited and happy.

All in all, I like this forever home and on balance I think I’ll stay!

With a big woof and a paw to you all.


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Buddy Male Lurcher

Buddy is a 3½ year old Lurcher.

When Buddy first came in to us, he was very nervous and distrusting of humans. Over time, Buddy has become a very friendly and playful boy. He very much enjoys his one-to-one time and is learning how to show affection in his own special way!

He loves nothing more than a speedy sprint around our field and will happily play fetch with a football or tennis ball until he is tired out. Treats are also a favourite of his.

Buddy is good and attentive when out on a walk and walks nicely on a lead. Owing to his lack of socialisation when younger, he can be a bit vocal when he sees other dogs out on a walk, but with further input and more socialisation this can be addressed.

As a Lurcher, Buddy has a very strong prey drive and is interested by small wildlife when out walking and small pets in the house. Therefore, Buddy would be suited to a house where he is the only dog without other pets or animals.

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Pearl Female French Bulldog

Pearl is a beautiful 5 year old French Bulldog.  She came into Waggy Tails Rescue in March 2020 due to a change in her family’s circumstances.

When she arrived she had a terrible skin condition and very infected ears and was also having a false pregnancy.  The skin and ear infections were long standing issues and were the cause of her crumpled ear.

Treatment was started immediately and Pearl went into a foster home soon after she arrived.  The treatment is on going and Pearl is now looking fabulous but it will be a life long battle to keep her well.

In July 2020 she was adopted and she has  settled happily into her forever home along side a very bossy cat.   Pearl is a real clown who loves to play especially with her football, she loves cuddles, getting muddy and sleeping in the sun shine.…read more

Lilly Female Rottweiler cross

Lilly is a 7 year old Rottweiler cross.  She is a highly intelligent dog, who needs a special home with an experienced, sensible owner;  ideally someone who has an active outdoor life and needs a dog to accompany them.    She might also be suitable for scent work as she is not large, and learns fast.
She was very worried about getting into a car, but now with patience and perseverance, she travels quite happily.   She was also extremely unsure about walking on a lead, and would suddenly stop and refuse to move, so it took time for her to appreciate that a walk was a “good thing”!
Her training will be ongoing as she knew very little when she came to us and has obviously suffered setbacks being moved around.   She is very affectionate and loves a fuss, but gets very excited with toys and balls, so play is limited and training games are best.   And she has occasional mood swings which maybe to do with her previous life.
She walks with our other dogs and is fine, but can react to strange dogs if they push into her, especially if they bark at her.

Lilly settles well at night and has not been upset by fireworks. 

She came to us from the pound and we have now had her quite a while. 

Lilly has been homed twice and returned twice – different reasons both times.   We always make it clear to adopters that there is no substitute for  professional help and sometimes an experienced eye can pick up something quite simple – we also give out a list of dog trainers and behaviourists who we know are thorough.     Sadly this advice was not acted on.   We can only say that Lilly is a delightfully friendly dog – she has never been difficult with any of the staff or volunteers at the sanctuary and even likes the vet.   She can however be stubborn and sometimes needs to be coaxed into the right action.   And she needs a home where she won’t be left as she gets upset.
We do hope that there is the right person out there for her, who will be patient and understanding and take advice if necessary.
We think that she would be best suited to a one or two person adult home.





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Timmy Male Terrier

Timmy came in at the end of May 2020 aged about 10 years.  He was a poorly chap and his hunched appearance made the vet think he had a neck problem.  However, it was discovered that he had pancreatitis and the posture was due to the pain he was suffering. He is much happier now that he has the correct medication and is a very affectionate dog. Timmy has a little walk in the morning and enjoys going out in the garden.  He jumps up on the  garden chair then onto the garden table to be brushed before his evening meal. He loves a cuddle (from anyone who’ll give him some fuss!) and is very good in the car.  Every week he does his duty supervising his foster-mum when she is volunteering in the WTR office.…read more